Sometimes the customers complained that the slurry pump equipment is failed, the products quality is no good.
Every time we will investigate what happen indeed. Then we assist them to analyze the reasons and help them to solve their problems.
To summarize, i find that sometimes it is not the pump problem, some customers do not read the "Safety Information" carefully before they use the Slurry Pump Equipment.
The safety information relating to the pump operation and maintenance should be carefully observed, and correct procedures followed, to avoid injuries to personnel, and damage to equipment.
1. The pump rotation must be consistent with the direction indicated by the arrow on the pump. The pump unit must be completed detached from the motor during the test run. It is strictly prohibited for the motor to drive the pump in reverse rotation. Personnel injury or equipment damage may result from operating the pump in the wrong direction.
2. Do not operate the pump for an extended time with zero or very low flowrate. Failure to observe this warning could result in overheating of the pump, and vaporization of the pumped fluid, with generation of very high pressures. Serious injury to personnel, or damage to equipment may result from such action.
3. For the pump with gland packing seal or mechanical seal, the sealing water must be supplied. For the pump with expeller seal (centrifugal seal), ensure adequate grease in the grease cup. It is strictly prohibited to operate pump without water or grease, otherwise it will cause serious injury to personnel or damage to the equipment.
4. For the oil lubricated pump, please inject oil at the oil level line. It is strictly prohibited to start without oil, otherwise it will result in the damage of the equipment.
5. Install coupling or pump sheave, to protect the mechanical seal not damaged due to the impact, please install the coupling or pump sheaves firstly, after that tighten the mechanical seal, otherwise it will cause the equipment damage.
6. Check drive motor rotation prior to fitting of drive belts or couplings. Incorrect motor rotation may cause personnel injury or equipment damage.
7. Do not operate the pump if the solids has settled and can't rotate the pump by hand.
8. Do not feed very hot or very cold fluid into a pump at ambient temperature. Thermal shock may result in fracture of pump wet-end parts.
9. Where auxiliary equipment is associated with a pump (such as motor, drive belt, coupling, speed reducer, variable speed drive, etc), all relevant instruction manual should be consulted, and recommended procedures implemented, during installation, operation and maintenance of the pump system.
The slurry pump equipment must be regarded as both a item of rotating machinery, and a pressure vessel. All relevant safety precautions and procedures for such equipment should be observed during pump installation, operation and maintenance.