High Volume Froth Pump Supplier Tells You the Secret of The HVF Pump Design

Publish Time: 2018-11-15     Origin: Site

High Volume Froth Pump is designed to work with slurry processes that use froth to help separate materials during processing. High Volume Froth Pump can be used in a wide variety of mining and processing industries, from oil sands to phosphate plants.

The foam is produced by a combination of air and chemical additives to help separate the desired material from the waste. Foam is an effective method of material separation, but when pumping a foam slurry, the pump typically cannot handle the foam.

The problem is that conventional slurry pumps do not pump air efficiently. The bubbles in the foam accumulate at the pump inlet of the low pressure until the air completely blocks the fluid, a condition known as a damper.

Typically, when a heavier fluid is rotated to the outer edge, the bubbles collect in the center of the impeller. The patent-pending High Volume Froth Pump includes a degassing system and a ventilating impeller for active air damper ventilation. In HVF pumps, the small holes in the center of the impeller allow air bubbles to pass through separate ports. This port lifts the air up the pump and drops it to normal atmospheric pressure.

Any liquid that passes through this port will be returned to the processing tank. Air no longer accumulates at the impeller bore or pump inlet, thus avoiding the damper.

The High Volume Froth Pumpis efficient, environmentally friendly and cost effective. Less pump is needed, which means less capital expenditure, less water and electricity use.

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