MuYuan is A Professional China Centrifugal Clear Water Pump Suppliers

Publish Time: 2018-10-27     Origin: Site

Centrifugal clear water pumps are the most commonly used fluid transfer pumps in high flow, low pressure installations. Centrifugal clear water pumps can provide lower flow rates or higher pressures, and multistage centrifugal pumps are a more suitable alternative. Centrifugal clear water pumps are common single-stage pumps, but due to the wide variety of materials, centrifugal clear water pumps can also be used in other low viscosity fluids such as fuels, oils and petrochemicals.

Centrifugal clear water pumps are simple in design and have fewer moving parts, which means maintenance costs are usually lower. Many single-stage centrifugal pumps also feature a pull-back design for fast and economical maintenance. Centrifugal pumps are available in European standard sizes, including DIN24255, EN733, (EX DIN 24256) and ISO2858 / EN22858, ISO5199 / EN25199.

Centrifugal clear water pumps are a popular pump for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Light fuel transfer

  • Pressurized water supply

  • Inert gas cooling

  • Washing and extinguishing

  • Air conditioning supply

  • Seawater circulation

  • Petrochemical

  • Wastewater transfer

  • Sewage transfer



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